AI-Driven Feature Development

August 2024 - November 2024

Spearheaded the development of AI-driven systems to analyze public licensing data, leveraging OpenAI and Claude services to identify potential violations and track incidents. Also led initiatives to implement AI technologies for assessing user eligibility across subsidy programs, ensuring that the entire county network benefited from efficient, automated evaluations. Both AI integration and public information solutions enabled streamlined operations and improved decision-making processes.

Key Features

Licensing Report Analysis

Licensing Report Analysis

Designed and implemented an AI-powered system to automatically analyze and extract key information from public licensing reports. This system streamlined the detection of compliance issues and violations, enabling faster and more accurate regulatory checks.

Subsidy Program Evaluation

Subsidy Program Evaluation

Developed an AI-driven service to evaluate and categorize government subsidy programs by scraping public sources and aggregating the data into a central database. This tool simplified the process for parents, helping them understand their available options and make informed decisions.